logo hudpleieakademiet

“Tone Lise inspires and motivates our students to continue to develop and study”

The Hudpleieakademiet is a well established school that offers a comprehensive education as skin and body therapist. To give their students information on other, relevant education they have been cooperating with Tone Lise and the Tone Lise Akademiet for several years.

“Tone Lise inspires and motivates our students to continue to develop and study further so they have more job opportunities after graduation. She is very professional, skilled and motivational and I give her my best recommendations. Tone Lise is easy to work with, she is organized and well prepared, and the lecture is well planned. This makes the students appreciate the information they get.”

Veronika Skagen Olsen, Headmaster, the Hudpleieakademiet.
Read the recommendation here (in Norwegian).